Ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version -

Ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version -

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Ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version. Use Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop 



Teams VDI (citrix)- Gallery view and other features - Microsoft Community.Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs

  Microsoft Teams is available for use in a Web Browser, as a Mobile App (Android Install the VDI version of Teams with All User mode. Citrix and Microsoft recommend the latest available version of Microsoft Teams and to keep it up to date. Microsoft Teams desktop app. Keep the Teams desktop app in your VDI environment up to date. Teams desktop app versions with release dates that are more than 90 days.  

Microsoft Teams on VDI gets more features for calls and meetings - Microsoft Tech Community - What is VDI?


Making a video call from a virtual desktop can be tricky. But the RTAV feature still sends a lot of data across the wire, and the virtual desktop has to process the data and send it out over the network to complete the call. At the same time, the virtual desktop is capturing the video feed and sending it back over the network, using the VMware Blast display protocol, to the endpoint so that the end user can see the video feed.

Horizon Client draws over the Microsoft Teams window in the virtual desktop VM, giving users the impression that they are still in the VM, but the media is actually traveling directly between the local endpoint and the remote peer as shown in Figure 1.

The load disappears from the network, and the processing moves from the data center to the endpoint. Often the end-user experience improves as well because the data has one less hop to make. Using this mechanism, this process avoids using RTAV altogether. The Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams feature is a boon for organizations using Microsoft Teams for audio and video calls. This document helps you plan for deploying it. The following diagram describes the flow of data between the various components of the Microsoft Teams ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version feature in Horizon.

Figure 1: Microsoft Teams Optimization Flow. Horizon supports audio, video, and screen-sharing offload to the local endpoint on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Below is a list of the minimum supported versions for each platform. For a complete list of features supported on each platform, see the product documentation topic for the version of Horizon that you are using.

Note : For Horizon documentation references, we ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version be using Horizon 8 product documentation links throughout this guide. X and later. Microsoft also turned on the service on their side on August 11, To take advantage of the offload capability, you must use Horizon Client for Windows or ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version, Horizon Client for Mac or later, or Horizon Client for Linux or later.

The Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams group policy setting must be enabled in the virtual desktop. Web browser media offload is supported with the Browser Redirection feature. See Configuring Browser Redirection for support details. This section briefly lists the system requirements for both the client and the virtual desktop when using the Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams feature. Client system for OSes supported with a specific release, see the appropriate Horizon Client release notes.

You can see the setting if you select Customize installation in the installer. Double-click the. If you are using the installation wizard, you can see that the Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams option is selected, as shown below.

Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams is also installed by default in the Ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version Agent, but it is controlled with a GPO, which is not enabled by default. After setting this policy, you must log out of the Horizon desktop for the GPO policy to take effect. Horizon Agent must be installed before Microsoft Teams. If the order is reversed, then on first run, Microsoft Teams does not detect Horizon Agent and caches an environment value that indicates the feature is running on an unsupported remote desktop.

This results in Microsoft Teams never supporting the Media Optimization feature unless the cache is deleted. To avoid this issue, be sure to install Horizon Agent before you install Microsoft Teams. Then, on first run, Microsoft Teams detects Horizon Agent and caches the correct environment value, which verifies that the feature is running on a supported remote desktop.

As described in the overview of this guide, there are significant advantages to running Microsoft Teams in optimized mode. However, as you are planning your implementation, keep in mind that end users who are not running supported Horizon Client versions Horizon Client or later for Windows, Horizon Client or later for Mac, or Horizon Client or later for Linux will not be able to take advantage of this feature.

They will not, however, go back to running the full client in the virtual desktop because the GPO has set Microsoft Teams to offload audio and video to the client. Those users will instead run in fallback mode.

A user can check if Microsoft Teams is running in optimized mode, fallback mode, or natively no optimization in the virtual desktop. Audio and video quality may be reduced. Talk to your IT admin.

If you enable the optimization GPO in the virtual desktop, these clients, although not officially supported, will begin implementing offload. The bugs we found in these clients during beta testing are fixed in Horizon Client for Windows перейти на источник or later for Horizon 8 or Horizon Client for Windows 5.

VMware strongly recommends using the officially supported versions. For beta testing, VMware published the Horizon Client beta installer for Mac via the beta portal that supports optimization. VMware recommends that you use the officially supported version, Horizon Client or later for Mac, to get the жмите functionality and bug fixes for the Mac client.

Similarly, VMware published a beta version of Horizon Client for Linux that supports optimization via the beta portal. VMware recommends using the officially supported version, Horizon Client or later for Linux, to get the latest functionality and bug fixes for the Linux client. The ports described on that page are required to be opened on the client device.

Note : The usual Horizon ports are also required, as detailed in the following documents:. Some organizations might require that the process name of the Teams Optimization Pack be added to a firewall allowlist, to allow communication to the Microsoft Teams Cloud server. The process name is vmware-remotemks.

This is a Microsoft restriction. In certain low-powered clients, users may want to turn off software acoustic echo cancellation to reduce CPU usage. In most cases, VMware recommends using the default configuration, which is designed for optimal audio experience. But if you are having issues with echo, software acoustic echo cancellation ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version be configured by using a GPO on the Horizon Agent or by setting a registry key on the Horizon Client.

Note that this configuration is only supported on Windows Clients. After setting this policy, you must log out of the Horizon desktop for the GPO policies to take effect. This configuration can also be applied on the Horizon Client for Windows device by setting the following registry key:. To troubleshoot, start by checking whether Microsoft Teams launched in optimized mode and whether the correct local client device names are being picked up.

If so, you can check whether the Microsoft Teams redirection plugin has been installed and check the logs to verify that optimization has been enabled. Procedures for these tasks are described in the following sections:. Figure 9: Version Box for Microsoft Teams. If the registry key is not set, follow the installation guidance for Horizon Agent, as described in Horizon Agent Installation and Configuration.

Also note that you need to log out of the Horizon desktop for the GPO policies to be applied. In the virtual desktop, restart Microsoft Teams to ensure that the correct settings have been applied by the Microsoft Teams client.

We have seen issues in Microsoft Teams where incorrect flags get applied. Restarting Teams ensures that the correct flags are pulled in and applied. Quit the Microsoft Teams application. This will force Microsoft Teams to reload its cache, which may have contained outdated values related to the environment. To ensure that Microsoft is not detecting a conflicting Citrix Agent installation on the desktop, review the Microsoft logs.

Instructions for collecting Microsoft logs are provided in the Microsoft documentation topic Use log files to monitor and troubleshoot Microsoft Teams. In Microsoft Teams, click the ellipsis points … next to your profile picture at the top, and then select Settings and go to the Devices section. Under Audio devicesyou should see the local headset names in the Speakers and Microphone drop-down lists. Figure Device Settings for Microsoft Teams.

If you see the local device names in the Microsoft Увидеть больше device settings, then Microsoft Teams optimization has been enabled in your environment. Check if html5Server. If you do not see html5server. If you still do not see html5server. If you see that html5server. Similarly, if you are using a. Otherwise, html5server will not work as expected. Because html5server. This is an internal registry key used by html5Server. Backing up and restoring the registry ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version may result in erroneous behavior.

If you do not have any user profile management software installed ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version have excluded the above-mentioned registry key from продолжить list, follow the next action item.

Important : For ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version following step, you need to have administrator privileges on your virtual desktop ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version system. If you see the below highlighted section, then Microsoft Teams optimization has been enabled on your VM. Note : For your convenience, the highlighted text you can search for includes the following settings:.

If the above settings are missing from the logs or if the logs display "allow:false" then Microsoft Teams optimization has not been enabled in your environment. Go through the installation guidance for Horizon Client for Windows or Linux, as described in Client Installationand ensure that Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams check box has been selected in the Horizon Client Installation wizard.

For the Mac platform, ensure that you have the supported version of Horizon Client installed. If you have the supported versions installed and have selected the right configuration for Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams, contact VMware support. If you see the below highlighted section ms teams vdi version - ms teams vdi version the logs, then Microsoft Teams optimization has been correctly enabled for your session.

If the above settings are missing from the logs or if the logs display "allow":"false" then Microsoft Teams optimization has not been enabled in your environment.

Contact VMware for further assistance. If Microsoft Teams on VDI is optimized and you are running into generic issues, or if you find that features are missing, check if you see the same behavior when using the Microsoft Teams web client.

If you see the same behavior on the web client, or if you find that a feature is missing, contact Microsoft for further assistance. This section describes how to collect logs from the virtual desktop, the client device, and the Microsoft Teams app. The improved end-user experience, decreased load нажмите для деталей the data center, and decrease in network traffic make Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams a compelling feature.



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